Calculation is a key factor in chess. If you master the calculation part then you can find mistakes and outrun your opponent’s plan. It is not easy to calculate 10 to 20 moves when the clock is ticking. In a recent game I was studying for my students I came upon a position which will help you to understand and practice calculation.
Play the Video
If you really want to improve your calculation then follow the steps seriously :
- Place the position on your chess board.
- DO NOT move the pieces on the board.
- Calculate till check mate.
- Find the best moves of BLACK.
- Take it as a challenge to find the checkmate.
- Take your time 10 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, or if needed 1 month!!
- FIND and WRITE all the lines or variations on a chess copy.
- Do not take any help from friends or family.
If you follow the rules above you will improve your calculation, also I will give you more positions so follow our “Chess Letters“.
White to Play and Win!!
If you find all the checkmate variations then send me to my WhatsApp number – 8638502036
I have uploaded a few FREE Chess Courses for you to study, click this link to find all of them:
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